Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Barefaced Dead Sea Mud Mask Review.

Barefaced dead sea mud mask .... CUTEST Container ever. Maybe because I like bears is why I wanted to try this so bad.
This stuff ... gets good and bad marks from me.

First thing I notice on all things that I put on my face is SMELL ... this stuff does not smell great. It is like a mixture of crayons, glue and vapor rub. Pretty much smells like a kindergarten class room with a sick kid in it.
That being said .... Once it is on your face for the first few moments, your nose adapts and it doesn't bother you too much. (It's not too terrible, just not pretty smelling like some of the other masks I have tried. (However, I have had skin reactions with those that smell good, and that could be the underlining factor. SO THIS IS A PLUS AND A CON.
One. smells "Not so great."
Two and this is a big one for me....

TWO .... This is the first face mask that I have used where after I washed it off, my face was NOT red and irritated. It was my normal face color, no welts. HUGE for me. Since other masks I have tried, I always seem to have a reaction to.

Three. Tightness, You know how when you wear face masks.. you can feel your face stiffen? Where when you smile, it feels like your face is flaking off? That didn't happen the few times that I have used this stuff. Felt like a face. I honestly forgot I had it on, left it on for an hour and a half, instead of just the 15 minutes. So that is good ... because there is nothing worse than feeling like you have something stiffening your face.

Four. My face is as soft as a babies bottom. Feels fresh, and oddly MOISTERIZED. With others after washing it off, my face felt dry and I would end up putting on lotions etc. But Not with this. I washed it off and my face felt so good ... I just free balled it! Nothing, not even my vitamin c serum, I will put it on later, but for right now, this very moment, after having JUST washed it off my face. It feels good.

Another thing I noticed, isn't really something you should ... I am just clumsy in all that I do. While washing it off my face, I did accidently get some in my mouth. Definitely salty,

Another PLUS, when you order, they give you a 50 % code off your next purchase for just being loyal! I will be continuing the use of  this stuff. I really like it.

You can get yours here

  I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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