Sunday, September 18, 2016

Sunday - Does it really affect the rest of your upcoming week?

Good Morning

The sun is rising, hidden behind a thick blanket of gray clouds, but rising nonetheless. The crows are yelling, the fog has set in, and a few large rain drops, are dripping down on my head - looks like one of those "Let's stay in and read" days. I hope Paige does her business before the rain decides to go into a full emotional melt down and weep heavily.

They say, "A Sunday well spent, brings a week of content." Or at least, that is what this meme says ...

I am unsure if it is true, but it did get me to thinking. Does what we do on Sunday, affect our week ahead? We have all had good weeks, bad weeks, mediocre weeks etc. I might just do a little study, it will be completely unorthodox, seeing how the outcome will vary and it may or may not have anything to with what I carry out on my Sunday, but I get bored sometimes and it seems the thing to do.

Obviously a Sunday spent from Happy hour till bedtime will result in a groggy me, not wanting to wake on Monday, which might just trickle down a troubled tangled mess, from doing badly at my job, getting into trouble with the boss etc. So I won't be doing that.

"My Sunday"
Today, I am spending the morning cursing myself for thinking a puppy was a great idea at this junction in my life. I am over tired, scratched and bitten and side eyeing a pup with discontent. LMFAO! Seriously, I want to bite her.
I have to do laundry, but from Now until three, my time is mine to spend as I please. (I teach a youth group at the church of Grace in Anderson creek.)
I think I will try to take a nap, catch up on some reading. (I never feel like me if I haven't had an hour or two of story time in my life.) Literature is a huge deal to me. I will probably dance around in the kitchen singing into my spoon while I do a little baking. (I promised the girls I would make Apple Crisp) Hopefully today will go smooth, I have had a few fights with my elder daughters (who are teens who think they know every thing) I am hopeful that doesn't happen today. Because it always bleeds into my weekdays when it does.

I cannot say what I am doing today will make for an awesome start for my week ahead, but it will make for a good day today, and who can complain about that?

So how are you guys spending today? What's on your plan?
A little Sunday morning (Music and books - two things I enjoy best) What's song screams how your Sunday is going?

Have a great day everyone!