Thursday, April 2, 2015

Change is coming - I can feel it.

Okay, At first, I wasn't sure how today was going to go. "In fact, I had a whole other blog started on why-" But I don't want my day to be gloomy. I also do not want to put that sort of energy out into the world. Also- I am just done with the situation.
I just need to learn that some people out there are so full of hatred and discontentment in their own lives, that they will do anything to disrupt and hurt yours. Misery loves company is a saying that is very much true in this case.


It's like my friend Rhonda said "You can choose to let it grind you down, or you can choose to let go and walk away."
I choose "Let go!" Be the bigger person, take the higher path. I am walking away.

Today turned out not to be so bad, well - I should say, today is looking up.

Thankful List .... my six impossible things

  • Booked a photography job today. So I have something to look forward to. Something to keep my mind busy. Busy is good. Busy is what I need. 
  • Enjoyed a good walk with Chris today, had lovely conversation. Kept my mind off things for those four miles. I am very thankful for that.
  • Today is only one day away from Friday. I cannot wait until then, Friday-marks the beginning of spring break. 
  • I'm thankful to have true friends. (Jeri, Kerri, Lilly, Sharron, Shandee, Rhonda and Kim) come to mind. (There are others- if you are not listed I apologize)  I will never be able to thank the true friends in my world enough for helping me through some of the things life has thrown at me. 
  • I am thankful all the mess with the wreck is officially cleared up! The van is towed off, the rental car is taken back ... just us and the Cadenza. (I'm just glad its over - feel better-able to move on now.)
  • I'm thankful Easter is this weekend, I am so ready for all the holiday stuff to just be over. 

I've been shuffling through Pinterest a lot today- looking for good poses. I have never shot a "Welcome home." For a soldier's family. This will be my first, which she is very well aware of that fact. I am very excited. Most of my work time is spent with beautiful ladies, finally I get to branch out a little. (I am sure I have mentioned wanting to branch out in other blog posts.) (Keep in mind, I really do love shooting the ladies as well.) I find that shooting the ladies, is a lot less stressful. Maybe because that is mainly what I do, I have grown accustomed to it I suppose. I know that I will capture what she is looking for. That is what I do! It's just - you know, first day jitters. haha. I am beyond thrilled though. 

Told you guys last time, that I was going on a mission (I will be damned if this spring break-I don't force those girls of mine into a photo shoot.) lol Either way, I found lots of random stuff that I will be putting on kids, dogs, hedgehogs, cats ... I just wanna shoot something, anything.
Found some cool ideas on Pinterest. (Chalk) Who knew chalk on concrete could be such a great idea. I have chalk, so we shall see!

On another topic - for those of you moon lovers out there. There is a new blood moon on April 4th. I cannot wait. Last blood moon, I got some pretty good shots. (The photo up top is one of mine-not great but I am still proud of it.) I hope this time, the moon actually looks red. Last time, eh - not so much. Maybe it was just my area. Superstitions say that blood moons are an omen for big changes coming. In my case :: Fingers crossed that it brings something good my way. There is change coming, I can feel it - whether it is by my own hand or fate.

Well- It is just after noon, I am thinking. I would like to do that whole girl things. You know, put on make up, brush and maybe even fix my hair. Get dressed in real clothes, not just bum around the house clothes. Nick and the kids have seen me slumping it up here lately. It's time I got myself back into gear.

I hope each and everyone of you who happened to see this today - has a good day. xxDee

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