Monday, March 16, 2015

No complaints out of me - not today.

Today- today is going to be a good day. I have decided and so it will be. At first I wasn't really sure. But right now, at this very moment- with the cool breeze upon my face, the smell of lavender in my nose and the sweetness of my tea coating my mouth- it WILL be a good day. I need it to be.
(Note- This is thursday- life got in the way and I never finished this post.)

TODAY/Today, as in Monday of the following week from that Thursday --It is a good day.
I remember Thursday, I remember why it started off rocky. Family issues. I am sure some of you have a family member you do not get along with too well. Well ... I was dealing with those sort of issues. There for, I was sure the day was going to be a crap day. But it wasn't, it really wasn't.

FIRST GREAT THING on Thursday, was my AC got fixed! FINALLY! If you have been following any of my blogs, maybe you have come across one or two of me bitching about the damned AC, and how long it was taking to get fixed!
Well, that day I called to switch my Case worker (She didn't end up switched) BUT the people handling my system did get switched. BELL COW! (Funny name right?) But memorable and very much the people you want at your door if you have an issue with your system. Link to Bell Cow (if you ever need them)
How crazy is that? You get assigned a shitty company and two and a half months later, nothing has happened other than getting a huge bill for 1450 (starting price-more if they find more work needing repaired) You call to get a second opinion, because A. You know these people are just dicking around and B. if that is really the price, you sure as hell are not paying it to an undeserving company. There was some uncovered cost -- but ($300) is a lot more tolerable to swallow than $1450.00 plus. THANKS BELL COW!

It has been a long, and I do mean long last week and long weekend that followed. But today, this Monday (Yes!) Finally a day to relax.
I have been working my ass off in the yard. Lets say 10 plus years of pine needles raked (literally took me two days) for just an eighth of the yard done. (Sigh) But looks nice.
Two trees down - That part is (Meh :/) I really wish we could have saved those trees. But unfortunately due to the sewer guys who installed our tie in pipe. (They cut right through) Key major roots of those trees and they were dying and leaning towards our home. One good ice storm mixed with a stable wind and they would have fell. Would have taken out the whole front of my home (Britts room.) and the garage. So it was a matter of - house or trees.
Bonus, I will get to plant something with a less invasive root, so I will feel like I am giving life a little. Also, the tree parts, I will dig out the tops off, add soil and use them as planters. So the tree didn't have to die in vain. It will nourish "Mint, rosemary, sage, etc."
It was a full week of outside work, so today -- and for the rest of this week, I have decided that inside work is the way to go. I'm just tired as hell and quite honestly beat the hell up. Scrapes and bruises all over.

Got a cool picture of a red headed woodpecker. They are endangered in these parts. (I know Ft. Bragg- protects them.) I'm wondering if I can find a few nests, take the pictures of them ... if I cannot save the woods behind my house from getting chopped down for more cookie cutter homes.
I do not really have much faith, due to the fact that they just chopped down a shit ton of trees to build a lot of houses down the road (but get this.) There is a HUGE white sign saying, wetlands, preserved.  They are not supposed to be building there. It was supposed to be preserved. But thanks to some rich yuppy, they got the permits and now they are building away.
I am quite pissy, and sad about this. ONE, I bought the house I live in, because I loved, ABSOLUTELY LOVED how many trees were around. Every where else we looked, there were no trees, and now they are taking them away. and TWO. The wildlife, I am literally witnessing them being drove out.
All the deer - They are hunkering closer to streets, in our yards, because their home is being taken away. I feel a sort of rage because of it. But I am at a loss on what I can do about it.

Religion has been playing a huge part of my life lately. I was never really a religious person, I am not a crazy nut job who is going to show up at your house and say pray or hell or anything. But there is no doubt about it, my curiosity is peaked. Not to mention, my big sis Bree. Darn her.
So she tells me about this documentary, about how god could be aliens, OF COURSE she can not remember the name of the Netflix documentary and I really want to see it. Anyone out there know of a Netflix documentary about god being an Alien, it supposedly touches base with all things in the bible and makes sense. I cannot help but having the want to see it for myself.
Either way -- I guess I am just lost in this subject.
Right about now, I am simply hoping that believing and doing good is enough, because the life I have led. Some of my thoughts. I can't say I am worth loving enough to be saved.
Maybe all the curiosity stems from the fact that I can feel my mortality. I can feel the years, I can sense that the time is passing at a quicker pace than before.
Sigh -- I really do not know what to think of myself or what I think involving any of this.

Finished a book - another book. It's in editing. I edited it, HOWEVER, if you read my blog or anything I write, well -- then you know that punctuation, not really my bag of tea. I love the story telling, but I muck up editing. Thank god for people who know what they are doing in that department. I am so excited and I cannot wait. I have published a few other books since my first, but those are under a false name. I cannot wait to use my own name again. EXCITEMENT!

Well, its almost 3:30 which means I have two monsters who will be getting off the bus soon. I just wanted to update what was up with me. I hope that anyone who comes across this, has a great day/night ... do something that makes you smile! xxDee

PS. I absolutely love that picture. I snapped that rose sitting lonely on a table at the beach park at myrtle beach. I simply thought it was beautiful. Have a great one xx

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