Monday, March 30, 2015

Open your eyes - take it all in.

Monday. The dreaded day of the week. How you make a liar of me so. (Today) Is actually a pretty darned good day.

The girls got off to school (Without a fuss.) 

Pulled out my camera for a bit. Decided, I would like to enjoy a bit of nature. It's somewhat dreary out with the rain and all, but I didn't mind. (The photo.) Is the first Lavender sprout in my garden. Pure excitement on my end. I absolutely adore when things start springing to life, especially when I have had a hand in it. 

I found an interesting thing on Facebook for photographers. They have all sorts of categories, (Contests/challenges)  and the voting process is more fair than not. (Photo's are only voted by people on the site.) also (Photo's all have their chance in the spot light for voting, so it doesn't matter if you jumped on the band wagon a little too late.) Also- popularity doesn't factor in. So it won't matter if you are the most established photo-bug out there, or just starting out. There is a chance at winning something of course, but what I have found most - is inspiration. Seeing the world through other peoples lives, has made me want to see it through my own. Or at least get a different view than a television/computer screen. If you are interested, if you are a photographer out there-- here's the link. Guru shots (Photography challenges.) 
Seeing everyone's shots, I definitely came to the conclusion, that I need to remember to bring my camera with me "Everywhere!" Also that I need to open my eyes a little more. There are so many more things around me worth shooting that I just shrugged off. All I needed to do was open my eyes, and look around a bit! I am in no way-shape-or form as good as some of them on that site, but I think that is also why I am recommending it. Because it pushes you to want to do better. 

Today - I should have spent the day cleaning and getting things in order for the week. However, plans change and I spent my time relaxing. Snuggled for a bit with my kitty Amelia. (Not a great idea.) I am allergic to cats, and one of her hairs got embedded in my eye lid. (Sigh.) Hello- swollen eye. I resemble what reminds me of Popeye. 
I got bored with TV. Made myself some perfume. Coconut oil based, It's a light scent of lavender and honey ... mixed with a little vanilla. I absolutely fell in love with it. It might be slightly too strong though. It really is quite lovely. (Proud of myself.)
Contemplating a photo-shoot with my hedgehog Leilo. I want to put bows on her. The only thing stopping me is that she is mean, and hurts like hell. LOL. I might wait, until I can run to the store and grab some gloves. Vicious little cutie that girl is! Maybe I will nudge my girls into having a photo shoot with me. Maybe after this blog that is what I will do. 
A mission to find stuff around the house to set up a set and hold a shoot. 

All in all, so far ... it's a good day. 

My thankful for list .....................................................
  • 1. I am thankful for pie. I swear, pie is my- no doubt about it, absolute favorite dessert in the world. It just so happens that yesterday - FINALLY - they put out lemon meringue pie! I think that slice of pie had a huge impact on just how flavor-fully sweet-  today has surprised me in becoming.   

  • 2. I am thankful the quiet today. It was such a long weekend. I welcome this quiet with open arms. (saying that - I can't wait for the girls to get home, while I like the quiet, I am not very good at being alone. - I miss them.)

  • 3. I am thankful for answered prayers. I truly believe that some of the bad things happening or the moments that have happened, are happening so that those prayers can be answered.  

  • 4. I'm thankful for fresh water. I recently realized just how often I take that for granted. It came to my attention when our water company treated our water supply. (They do this in March- every year.) First came the taste and smell of dirt. It literally made me feel like I was drinking garden sludge. Then came the smell and taste - along with the burn in the back of your throat due to the chemicals. (Thankful they only do this in March.) I went two weeks only drinking soda and juice because even masked by tea, I couldn't stomach the water. (Filters, were not helping.) *Thank you Nick, For bottled water.* When I became dehydrated in a bad way, I realized more than ever just how important clean water is. Instantly I was heartbroken by the thoughts of other countries. Looking into now, what I can do to help with that. Funny - it's never until something you take for granted gets taken from you, that you realize the world needs help.  

  • 5. I'm thankful the tow guy called about the van today. Grateful that it will be gone soon. I thought it would be towed this weekend, but apparently they do not tow on weekend. It is bitter sweet having it sit in the driveway. Sentimentally so - Because I can still see it. (I might be strange.) Bitter - because having it there, is just a constant reminder of what had happened. Ready to move on from this. 

  • 6. Thankful this is the last thing to be thankful for. Maybe I should mix thankful for, and things that made me smile today - together. I never knew how hard it could be to come up with random things that you are thankful for. I mean I could rant on about, I am thankful I have hands that work. Thankful I have eyes that see. etc. But Eventually it's going to get down to, thankful that I have a pen to write with. Or that I had milk for cereal. Sigh ... positive thinking is hard! But I am determined. 

It's a little after 2 in the afternoon now, that gives me about 45 minutes before Brittany gets home. I think I might just go on that mission. See if I can't find something to force the kids to play dress-up with me with. I hope that each and everyone of anyone who came and spent a little time with me today have a great day. I hope you can find at least 6 things every day to be thankful for. Or 6 things that make you smile.  Have a great one guys -xxDee

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