Sunday, March 29, 2015

Insert *clever* title here. (Mind blank.)

Sunday- good ole Sunday. Sunday's are normally- both my favorite and the dreaded day of my week. Favorite day, because with Nicks work schedule, Sunday tends to be his only day off, that is if he is getting a day off that particular week.. Dreaded day, because it is also the day that brings reality that Monday is just around the corner.  So far, it feels like a good day.

Not a whole lot on the plan for today. Gardening, Reading a little, grabbing some crafts so the girls and I can put our creative thinking caps on and come up with something awesome! We don't know what that is yet, but we know it will rock.

Been getting my ducks in a row. I've been wondering why I have let myself be stuck at a stand still. I have a lot of research to do, a lot of practicing ahead, a lot of props to come up with. But I want to take my photography seriously. I adore the jobs I do get. I do not mind shooting beautiful naked/half naked ladies at all - I want to branch out though. I want to touch all specs of the field. I want my own studio, even if its just a studio shed in my back yard. (Yes they have those.) But I am going to do it. I've decided, that I have no reason not to.
Working on this dream. Who knows, maybe when we are out getting crafts, I might come across a can't live without it find. I have faith that today will bring good things.
I was uncertain this morning, I shed a few tears, but I feel with a little faith, the little hiccup of this morning, will just be that. A hiccup in an otherwise "Fingers crossed." Wonderful day.  Love the photo Erin drew (up top) I am thankful for family, real, true family.

My thankful for list ...

  • 1. I'm thankful that Erin's foot is healing. Today, there was only a single drop of blood on the bandage. Finally, getting somewhere! I am also thankful for patience where this is concerned, it is hard to be patient when your child who should be sitting, is running around like her foot is in tact. It's like, SIT DOWN WOMAN! Sigh .... I was the same way.

  • 2. I am thankful for YouTube, google, etc. Odd, yes. But it has led to some of the most fun moments for my girls and I. You can learn to do so much online, it definitely helps us gain ideas to explore our creative sides. Because of it, we are taking a trip to Ollie's (Good stuff Cheap) to see what we can score for craft supplies. If you don't know what Ollie's is, here is a link. Maybe you might have one near you. Ollie's   I am a huge fan of deals! I get that from my Grams. If you guys know any easy to do- or cool crafts. Let me know. We are always looking for new stuff to make.

  • 3. I am thankful for music. I have never truly been able to focus without it. I love how easily you can side step your mind from reality, by losing yourself in it. Some days, it's my only escape. In a way, music is like a good book. At the moment, my favorite song is "The sun is rising) Song - If you would like to listen.

  • 4. I'm thankful for the roof over my head. I was talking to a friend yesterday about the harsh conditions of being homeless. How hard it is. (We got into a debate on whether or not you should give money to those asking.) *Because there are so many panhandlers out there, you just never know who is really in need and who will drive away in their new car when done for the day.* I remember what it is like, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. It just made me realize, how thankful I am to have shelter.

  • 5.  I'm thankful that Lent is almost over. I realize that is selfish. But I gave up fast food. Do you know how hard it is to see all those pizza commercials, and smell the Chinese food when walking into food lion is? It's hard. I don't plan on going balls to the wall- porky, or anything, I just want an egg roll! Somewhat debating on if I can have one on the 2nd, since that is when Lent is officially over, or stick with Easter. Normally we go all the way to Easter.

  • 6. Right about now, I am thankful for these muffins. I have not eaten much the past few days and this morning, they taste like heaven.

Thinking, that maybe I should go get myself dressed to start my day. May you all (who ever reads this.) Have a great day. Love to you all xxDee

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