Saturday, March 28, 2015

Dancing to a new beat

Taking a quick glance over at my blog, I noticed a repeating trend. (With the exception of my first March post...) They are all negative.
So I am giving myself a assignment. "You know that line from (Alice in wonderland)? The one that goes ...

 Sometimes, I've believed in as many as 6 impossible things?"

Sometimes, for some people, myself included ... it is hard to see the positive. It is hard to see all the things you should be grateful for, when all you are looking towards are the bad. Sometimes it can be almost impossible.

AKA .... My April assignment. I have to find- 6 different things each day- that I am thankful for.
My reasoning?
I am hoping that I will be able to train my brain to look on the Brightside when the rain starts pouring. (I tend to be a positive person for the most part.) At least when it comes to pepping up others. So I figure, this shouldn't be too hard.

Starting with today! (Because I am inpatient and I do not want to wait until April.)

  • 1: I am thankful for my children. I know that is cliché, but I noticed while grocery shopping with Avery, I noticed how silly she is, and how upbeat and fun that kid is. I noticed, how happy I feel when I just let go of all the things from the day and just enjoy being in her presence. This is the same for each of my three girls. They each have their own unique way of getting to you. They just embed themselves into your heart. (The video up there, is my trip with her to food lion today.) She is always, and I do mean ALWAYS like this. I love that, she didn't care who was watching. She didn't care about anything, but enjoying that song. And what cookies we bought, I loved watching her trot off ahead - What was cut out, because I had clicked off the phone camera -- Was her coming back to ask. "What did we need again? I forgot when dancing!" haha

  • 2: I am thankful for the friends that I do have. The real ones.  I never really have been one to get out there and meet new people. I take the ones that come my way and I enjoy them. Recently, in my quest for answers. (I am sure that I have mentioned that religion or well, more so god has been on my mind a lot lately) Needless to say, I ran into a man named Fred. Gentle soul. Invited me and my girls, my whole family really to an Easter Sunrise. (My first -Their 11th this year.) Caught me in the driveway of my neighbors house that he was going to do some work on. Asked me, if me and my girls like to sing. VALA- Chorus practice was born. Through this unexpected meeting, and through an unlikely chosen extra curricular activity. I have met some of the sweetest people you could ever hope for. From Fred, to Bonnie, to Chris and her adorable kiddos. and to grams. We don't know what else to call her. Actually writing this, I feel rather ashamed we never asked her name. *I will next practice.* I am thankful for these people. They have become a very much looked forward to, part of my week. Sing a little, chat a little, eat a little. Good times.

  • 3: I am thankful I woke up today. Simple as that. It has never been more clear to me than it has been lately - that time is not exactly promised to us. I am thankful I had/have today.

  • 4: I am thankful that things worked out with the Van. I mean, honestly it sucks. Because I am sentimental and I feel like we somehow let that little van down. It did us well. It was a great car. I am glad that we were able to get a replacement, and that we didn't have to sell ourselves on the corner to make that happen.

  • 5: As petty as it sounds, I am thankful that I have the stuff to make pasta tonight. Quite frankly, I am exhausted and I needed an easy meal. Also thankful that I finally got Avery to eat red sauces, so that I do not have to make separate meals.

  • 6: I am thankful for nick. He truly is my best friend and basically, he's my sanity. I don't know what I would do without him.

There you have it. Six things that I am happy for. I am also happy that its almost bedtime, Also, for a stranger. I do not want to leave this out. "In case you read this - I am sure you will know who you are"
Thank you for your personal message. Thank you for sharing with me a piece of yourself. Thank you for giving such wonderful advice. I truly appreciate you. All my love. xxDee

I hope that anyone who reads this, has had an okay day. Sometimes, Okay, is all we need. Nighty night guys xxDee

PS. My apologies about the video - I forgot to make it public.

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