Friday, September 5, 2014

Cops are freaking worthless! When is enough, ENOUGH? Twice now!

Today started off okay. I mean, with the exception of the kids fighting slightly, things were going alright! That way, until I took out the trash.

A little background info ........

Every since the workers have been in our neighborhood, our cars, our houses have been broken into. Not just me being stolen from, But quite a few. My neighbor next to me, the closest, until they came and stoke strait from my backyard while I was home.
We have all "All of us who have been through this in this neighborhood." Have called the cops, have talked to cops, and still nothing has been done. My neighbor on the other side, who has yet to be robbed, had a lady watching her house while her and her husband were away. When my grill was stolen I had asked her to ask if she had seen anything. She said that she pulled up one day and there were workers in the yard with buckets. When they saw me, they rushed over and asked if they could get water. She mentioned they looked guilty.

If you read my incident from my back yard, you will already know, I have had a shitty run in with cops. So here it goes ......

I'm in the mood to watch a scary movie, But before I do that "Guilt free." I pickup a little and I go to take out the trash. I happen to notice two workers cross the street to my neighbors house. I look across and there is a man in a green shirt and a straw cowboy hat. I am watching. They walk to the back of the house and then to the side. "Mind you, they already know where the water spout is." When they went to the side, I yelled across the street to the man in green. This isn't right, I am calling the police. He yells back -- go ahead we will be gone. I thought about that for a second and thought, that is true. While I thought about it, the boys who heard me say I was calling the cops walked up to the front door. I continued to watch as I thought, and then I watched them crouch down in the bushes, so  I walked over and took video with my phone. When they noticed me, I said "YUP! I got you on camera, and I know you two are the ones who stole my grill, because my neighbors cameras caught you." I am calling the police. and I walked into my home and I locked the door.

I went to my bedroom, because I scared myself with the balls I grew to do that in the first place ... that's when my daughter pointed to the door and goes "MOMMA??" They were standing there at my front door. They see me through the window, they say. LET US IN. We need to talk. I said NO, GO THE FUCK AWAY ASSHOLES. They said, we are coming in we have questions now open the door.  I raised the gun so they could see it, and said GET THE FUCK AWAY ASSHOLES, IM NOT FUCKING KIDDING. They left my porch and walked around the side of the house "Meanwhile, the whole time I am yelling at them, I have Anastacia on the phone with me, because I called her to ask if she was home and to warn her that there were men lurking around her house." SHE WAS NOT HOME. No one was.

The kids start crying out, momma they are banging on the wall outside your room. I am now on the phone with dispatch and she is sending over an officer. The banging stops ........ It takes around 7 minutes for the cop to arrive. Good to know, they would have 7 minutes to hurt me if they did in fact get inside.

The cop shows up and by the look of him, he already has it in his head that this is a bullshit call. and what he says next confirms it!

BEFORE I even have a chance to say anything, he says
Mamn ... calm down, all they wanted was water.

HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM............................ That asshole had already taken sides before he knew the story.
FIRST ... Dispatch asked me to tell the vehicles etc. -- In case you were wondering how the hell he knew what was going on.

I am like, that is not what was going on sir .... I told him about the man in the green shirt, he was like yes . I just spoke with him, I stopped the truck that dispatch  described and asked him and the other man if they just left a site down the road, and he said

"There is a crazy woman on stone cross, all we were doing was getting water."

So having talked to this man  he had already made up his mind on what was going on, before he even stepped foot out of his car. Seems legit right , a work site without water, goes across the street to get water from a hose or picket without permission from the owner. Who cares if that is  round about way of stealing as well, since we as home owners have to pay for that shit.
NOT TO MENTION ..... Does it not look crazy that they all bolted the moment they knew I was calling the cops?????

I tell him about the guys coming to my door .... He is just staring at me, then asks, well why would they come over here if they already got water there. I was like, BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT LOOKING FOR WATER, They were telling me to let them in they had questions then they were banging on the backside of the house. He looked at me like I was crazy. He literally asks me ... Why are you getting so worked up, calm down.
WHY AM I GETTING WORKED UP??? I just had two assholes at my door that I witnessed being shady next door ... who were demanding to be let in because I said I was going to call the cops. I FUCKING WONDER WHY I AM WORKED UP!

He goes, okay I am going to go have a talk.

He goes across the street (He is taking to the quiet one) The other one is the one who demanded to be let in.

I get a text from anastacia just then .... "She was calling him to come home, to make sure nothing was stolen." She sends me a text that he is home, that he is right there if I need anything!

I notice the cop crosses the street. I am so thankful.
After awhile .... he comes back to my house.

He goes ... it is all settled, the husband was home the whole time,
I was like. NO SIR HE WASN'T "I am getting pissed at this point."

He is like, the guy said if they want to use the water its fine .... meaning NOW, that they have permission, they have a legit reason to be traipsing around our yards. It's all fine you just misunderstood.

I was like ... ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? How is it fine that they were at my door being threatening..... They are up to no good and now I do not feel safe.

Are you on drugs?
I am like, WHAT?
Are you on drugs mam.
 I can come in and check the house.
I was like ... No I am not on fucking drugs.

He is like medications etc? I was like, yeah I take antidepressants. He was like, there you go. Have your doctor check your meds. You are getting yourself all worked up over nothing, and they might be the wrong ones for you.

NOW IM PISSED!!!!!! This bitch is calling me fucking crazy!

I again was like ... I AM UPSET OFFICER, Because I have a legit reason, a genuine reason to be upset, those boys came over here all uppity, and you came out of your car already with the presumption that they are in the right ... that you are not going to listen to a god damn word I say, because now its my meds ..... I'm just fucking crazy and do not matter.

He goes ... its okay. we have to lock my son in the house when he takes his meds, and my wife goes crazy sometimes on her meds ... they just might not be the meds for you.

I was like .. your job is to protect those who ask for fucking help ....  not treat them like idiots and the people in the wrong like victims. I want to file a report HE SAYS, There is nothing to report! I am like WTF??? They were on my porch.

He was like ... Look, I do not know why they were on your porch or if they were, but the fact is, all they were doing was getting water. There is no report.

So I ended it with .. fine if that's the story that's the fucking story ... but when they come back and end up dead ... its not just them getting reported, its you for failing to do your fucking job.

He goes ... that's fine mam. have a good day.
Yep ... you too. I went inside and I shut the door .. then you know what I did?
The people supposed to fucking protect us ... treat people inhuman. It is no wonder people these days take matters into their own hands.
Because the cops around here are fucking useless!

Just sayin.


  1. Dude that is crazy!! glad you're ok and the kids are ok at least physically. Good thing you had a weapon to protect yourself and recorded the video and called the police just in case. You did the right things.

    1. I felt like I did the right things .... but apparently I'm crazy and need my meds checked. Sigh ..... I know one things for sure. I'm glad I got that gun. I've never been one for guns. Till now.

      Thank you. Yes the kids and I are ok. The little ones are making a pallet in my room because they are scared they will come back. But yes. Physically ok. Thank you so much xx
