Thursday, March 19, 2015

Oh the joy ...

Spring time has arrived. You know, I absolutely love springtime. You know what my favorite thing about spring time is?

  • My favorite thing about spring is that a once dormant world, awakes. Saturating our eyes with little pops of color. Bringing to life the busy buzz of insects, shuffling out the curious wandering deer, bunnies, birds, raccoon's and I am sure many other different species of animals that lurk in the pine trees behind my home. I love the breeze. Both warm and crisp on my skin. I love the smell of the freshly cut grass- I love that light hoodies and flip flops can finally be trudged out, and I can now ditch my coats and sweats. I love that now more than any other season here in North Carolina, I can comfortably sit outside with a light blanket, a cup of coffee and a good book, taking in the mimicked sound of the ocean, that the pine trees in a steady wind seem to make. Listening to the chatter of birds in the trees, no doubt about it, they are enjoying the new found warmth, this nice spring day has brought, right along with me. Most of all, I love that spring arriving, is a sure sign that summer is on its way.
I spent all last night cleaning. For what you might ask? So that I could sit my butt down at my computer, after turning off all the electronics, so that I can get some real writing time in. What happened? Well, I am blocked. Aka, the reason I am online, writing this blog here.

You know, it is funny. How when I do not plan to write, inspiration will hit full force- and I find myself looking for napkins or old mail, so I can quick jot down a sentence or two before it escapes me. But, when I want to write, when I schedule a time to write, I swear it seems I am staring at a blank screen. 

It's a nice day though. It's supposed to rain, so there is a bit more of a chill in the air, than there has been in the last few days. I do not mind though. I actually really love, cool rainy days. Or warm rainy nights. I find it romantic, or comforting- maybe even a little of both. 

I've read that book I have to review. (Going down- the only guide you will ever need, by: Lillian Dai) Let's just say, that I will be reading and re-reading this one, and trying every single thing out for myself, so that I can give a better review. Or maybe I am just being selfish in the sack and using this as an excuse to have my husband on his knees. Either way, it is a fun review process. 

I am also using this scar gel stuff - I have a week and a half left before I have to give my review on it, and I would like to wait until then. Mainly because I want to give it time to see if it REALLY works. I am using it on three different scar type areas. A burn scar, a stitches scar, and a stretch mark scar. I would be happy to see results from any of them. I guess we shall see. 

I'll be giving my reviews on those two things soon. (I have to stay in good standing with Tomoson) Because I enjoy getting free stuff. Free for a honest review. Absolutely! If you like free stuff and want to try them out ... here is a link. Tomoson 

Well, if I am going to get any writing done before my three monsters get home, I better cut out all distractions and get at it. I hope that whom ever decided to stop by and waste a little time with me, has a lovely day. Smile at least once. Helps deter wrinkles!!! *More than a frown does, anyway :) * Have a great one xxDee

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