Thursday, July 18, 2013

Throw back Thursday (Killer Summer Days)

My favorite thing about summer (Other than the obvious sleeping in because I do not have to get the girls up for school.) Is that I have time to do fun things with my girls. It's no longer all about math or science projects but more about us just hanging out and having fun.

One of our favorite things to do is make short films! The above picture is a movie still from our short movie project "Creepy Mime Killer Flick" aka why the title of this blog is *Killer summer days.*

There are plenty others to peek around at if you are curious.

 It’s not too far of a throw back, but back enough that I wanted to re-watch it myself. Hence why I am sharing.

 I guess I should also mention that we tend to come across as your modern day "Adams family" type family. We are all a bunch of *scare the heck out of me, make me fear for my life, the more blood the better, scare fanatics!* my husband Nicholas's and mines very first movie bought together was (The exorcist.) If that tells you anything. We are just who we are, I wish we were one of those sweet, here are your cookies, everything is in its proper place type people ... But then again. We sort of are, just throw in a bucket or two of home made blood sitting in the fridge and our love to scare people and maybe take away the things being in their proper place in, and that's us!

Saying that (Rant time.) I am seriously getting disappointed in today’s movies! Nothing is scary anymore. Things are either too cheesy, or have been done so many times you can guess the plot before you are half way there. Nothing is new! Nothing is terrifying. Sure, we enjoy the grotesque bloody gore of it, but there is no substance. Even *Mama* was a letdown. Creepily fantastic with a hint of “Finally something that might just make me leave the light on” but the end just sort of ruined it.

Does anyone out there have any suggestions of something truly scary? Also why I am asking for a little help, anyone have suggestions of a new short flick. Doesn’t have to be creepy (That’s just our thing.) We tried to be funny once … turns out, we aren’t very funny. J  I have an upcoming sleep over. *12 girls-ages ranging from 6 to 14* (Yes I must be crazy) and they all want to do another short film.
Racking my brain … I haven’t a clue on what to do. Suggestions would be a load of help.


If you happened by this blog, I hope you enjoyed it. I hope that it helps you in the future or today and that your day today and all days after are no less than good J Thanks for reading xxDee



  1. Well you could do a classic horror movie kids round up. You can have them all have their own character recreation in the mini movie. Like The Grady Twins from the Shining, Wednesday Adams, Samara from the Ring, Regan from the Exorcist, Charlie from Firestarter, Carolanne from Poltergeist, Kayako from the Grudge, and them you can have them all be the little girls singing 1..2 Freddy's coming for you. :D Have fun!

  2. Those are awesome ideas ... They thought of a few creepy killer ones, and a sort of puppet on a string act! Its going to be fun! Thanks o much for the ideas ... going to make sure to bring these ones up when we are brainstorming! xoxoDee
