Ever have one of those days (You know) The
pull your hair out and scream at the wall days ... If you happen to hear the
consistent screaming of "I hate you’s, You are not my best friend, I wish
you weren't my sister/brother, etc. followed by a whirlwind of back to back
"Mom she hit me, she took my toy, she scratched me, well you kicked
me" type tirade remarks ONE MORE TIME!
Well, that nifty little picture you see on the side there, was a result
of one of those days.
After what seemed
to be an eternity of what I just mentioned above, I was finally reaching that
point of no return mom level (The I'm about to totally lose my shit level)
Slowing morphing
from the level headed, sweet, here are your cookies type mom you would see in
the movie Pleasantville to a mom even “Mommy dearest” Would shake her head at
in disapproval.
Something had to be done!
In today’s day and
age, even a small tap to the bum could have CPS knocking on your door in an
instant. Yelling, threats of taking toys, cookies etc. to even standing in the
corner was just not working. Not for this. I was at a loss. I just didn’t know
what to do.
Thinking back,
remembering all those adorable posts of (husbands, kids, wives, etc. wearing
signs saying just what it was that they had done wrong) The ones you can see
being post everywhere, from Facebook, to twitter, Mobli, and every other Social
network out there. A light bulb flashed. *Embarrassment* as a kid I NEVER
wanted to be punished in front of my friends.
I was on a mission …
This bickering was going to stop, and I knew now just how I was going to do it.
I marched to the toy box, grabbed Erin’s (9, pictured above) Hand cuffs from
last year’s cop costume, then grabbed a paper and marker and set about my task.
The entire time, still listening to girls bicker away.
I called them in
with a smile on my face … (amused) by the look of uncertainty on their faces.
You could tell they were wondering why I had a huge smile on my face when they
knew I was getting angry.
I told them politely
to sit on my bed, and they listened without speaking the question in their
minds. “What is momma up to?”
I slapped the cuffs
on them both so they were stuck together, Placed the sign on them and stared
them in the eyes. “You two are going to learn to get along!” I said content
with the punishment prescribed.
“This isn’t going to work mom … I hate her!”
Erin replies with her too old for herself attitude. “I know … I had no doubt
that making you guys hold hands with signs wasn’t going to work!” “That is why
I have this!” I pulled out my phone, snapped the incriminating photo. And then
gave them a warning “If I hear any more fighting from you two, I promise with my whole
heart … I will post this to Facebook and tag you in it!” The crying immediately
began, so I took it upon myself to take a less angry … a more this isn’t fair
toned faced pic for my posting. I took off the cuffs and signs and sent them on
their way with one last note of “I mean it.”
For the next few moments I heard nothing … and really was
quite pleased with myself. But then my mind started wondering if I had in fact
gone too far. Was that mental abuse? I justified it with the fact that it had
worked. I had accomplished what I had set out to do, and now I had something
that worked and could use again in the future. Even if the only worked for a
day, it would be a day of peace I knew I could get.
I started hearing mumbling. Probably ten minutes after I
sent them about their day. I rolled my eyes, sure that this was going to be a
start to another outburst. I tiptoed my way to their door and listened
carefully. (With my girls) You need to know exactly what is going on, before
they come to tell you. Because either side you hear is drastically embellished.
To my surprise, they were not fighting … The whispers of
disdain I had heard were about me. Here they were, my two wonderful daughters
getting along, not fighting but plotting against me. They had found a common
ground. Something they both agreed on. Just sucked it was how much they thought
I was mean, or as my (6 Avery Pictured above) would put it, “The worst mom ever.”
And now … Unfortunately only after I gained title of worst
mom of the year. I had it! I found the solution to my problem. It wasn’t
corners, threats, or black mail photos … It was distraction. (At least in the
sense of when they are arguing together)
Sometimes being a parent means you have to stop what you are
doing and interact. Children are still very much being molded into who they are
and who they will be. And at times of high emotion, need a little help keeping
things intact. Trust me, I know how annoying it is to stop what you are doing
to intervene. But for the sake of your sanity it’s a must.
I’ve found that if I just stop what I am doing for the five
minutes or less time it takes to put them on a task of something they can do
together, I have a lot less stress and it’s quieter to enjoy the things I would
normally be listening through the fuss through.
(Small other tip) If watching a movie is your choice of
distraction – Make sure they sit on separate seating places! (I learned my
lesson here) They will focus on who is on their side of the cushion, whose feet
are on who, etc.
Now if I could just learn the “Holy Grail of how to’s … To
get my daughter to eat her chicken!” Anyone out there have any tips on that?
If you happened by this blog, I hope you enjoyed it. I hope
that it helps you in the future or today and that your day today and all days after are
no less than good J
Thanks For reading xxDee