Tuesday, April 22, 2014

So many But's ... what's a girl to do?

Today is a good day, or at least its starting off decent. The house isn't in complete shambles so that is definitely a plus. The only thing at this moment I would change is the fact that there isn't a nice cup of hot coffee sitting next to me

Actually, hold that thought a second ... I will be right back. "Not that you would notice."

Scratch that

Nice cup of coffee, house isn't too terrible and my finished book (short story) *Fertilizer* is in the editorial stage and due to be published in May.  "Things are definitely looking up."

Realized I need an Author page. Amazon has a thing where you can make your own author page with them, however ... it feels impersonal. I had created a Facebook Author page in March, but never had the gull to push publish. How can I call myself an author if I didn't have a book out yet. There was no "Up and coming author" choice. It's there though ... waiting for me to grow a pair of balls and hit publish.

I don't know how well that would go now that I think about it. I would have a blog, an author page, a photography page, a custom candle page "Really, seems like a lot of different pages to keep up with." I wonder if there is a way to combine at least my blog and author page together for easier up keep.

But then I think ... People who read my blog might not be interested in the sort of stories I write and those who might happen to like my stories might not be the slightest bit interested in my life.

There is also the point that I want the people who like my Author page, to be people who really like my work. I want the likes to be earned. If I publish my author page on my *own* Facebook page .... sigh, I have the best friends in the world who really are so supportive. They would hit like instantly, just to give me the push I need. I need to feel like I have earned this. I need to earn my voice out there. I don't want cheats. I am thinking about only putting the link to it on the books that I publish, so that if someone reads my stories and like them, then they have a link to follow to be updated when there is more. Maybe I can earn likes that way.

But then ...........

So many different but's, Generating likes puts you out there a little more "Brightly." Which in turn could spawn more potential readers. Its a dilemma!

Today, my plan pretty much revolves around editing, formatting and all the technicalities that come with self publishing.

On a plus note: I have already finished the outline of short story two.

Well ... I better get on it. Only so many hours in the day. Thank you to those who stopped by to waste time with me. I apologize for the rant.

Sometimes, I just don't know what to do. Is it cheating? If you get your friends and family to bumo your page by giving it a like?

Have a wonderful day you guys xxDee

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