Sunday, December 15, 2019

I love a good sale! Don’t you?
That is why I am slashing the price of the mood tracker journal that my daughter and I created. For the ENTIRE month of December, it will be on SALE!

It is a One-hundred-and-twenty-one -page, mood tracking journal. A step by step journal with tons of tips and tricks to help you create a more balanced, You. Inside, you will find, thirty-one days of trackers, weekly reflections, and exercises to help you pinpoint the unique patterns of your emotional triggers — also, Inspirational quotes and color pages. Knowing what triggers you emotionally is pivotal to your ability to spot the minute changes in your day to day where things begin to take a turn for the worse. Being able to recognize the specific turning points gives you leeway to stop them in their tracks, leading you more and more towards an emotionally stable state. Stop the lows more efficiently.

Here is a little sneak peek ...

For a full, page by page walk-through of what's inside- CLICK HERE

To purchase a copy for yourself or someone you care about CLICK HERE

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Sunday - Does it really affect the rest of your upcoming week?

Good Morning

The sun is rising, hidden behind a thick blanket of gray clouds, but rising nonetheless. The crows are yelling, the fog has set in, and a few large rain drops, are dripping down on my head - looks like one of those "Let's stay in and read" days. I hope Paige does her business before the rain decides to go into a full emotional melt down and weep heavily.

They say, "A Sunday well spent, brings a week of content." Or at least, that is what this meme says ...

I am unsure if it is true, but it did get me to thinking. Does what we do on Sunday, affect our week ahead? We have all had good weeks, bad weeks, mediocre weeks etc. I might just do a little study, it will be completely unorthodox, seeing how the outcome will vary and it may or may not have anything to with what I carry out on my Sunday, but I get bored sometimes and it seems the thing to do.

Obviously a Sunday spent from Happy hour till bedtime will result in a groggy me, not wanting to wake on Monday, which might just trickle down a troubled tangled mess, from doing badly at my job, getting into trouble with the boss etc. So I won't be doing that.

"My Sunday"
Today, I am spending the morning cursing myself for thinking a puppy was a great idea at this junction in my life. I am over tired, scratched and bitten and side eyeing a pup with discontent. LMFAO! Seriously, I want to bite her.
I have to do laundry, but from Now until three, my time is mine to spend as I please. (I teach a youth group at the church of Grace in Anderson creek.)
I think I will try to take a nap, catch up on some reading. (I never feel like me if I haven't had an hour or two of story time in my life.) Literature is a huge deal to me. I will probably dance around in the kitchen singing into my spoon while I do a little baking. (I promised the girls I would make Apple Crisp) Hopefully today will go smooth, I have had a few fights with my elder daughters (who are teens who think they know every thing) I am hopeful that doesn't happen today. Because it always bleeds into my weekdays when it does.

I cannot say what I am doing today will make for an awesome start for my week ahead, but it will make for a good day today, and who can complain about that?

So how are you guys spending today? What's on your plan?
A little Sunday morning (Music and books - two things I enjoy best) What's song screams how your Sunday is going?

Have a great day everyone! 

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Just Breathe

Good morning to all you folks out there ...
Who might just so happen to see this post.

Let's just, take a moment out of today and Just breathe!

Sometimes, things don't go according to plan. Sometimes, they just go "Wrong." Whether its people taking things too far, or taking things the wrong way "Sometimes." It just goes horrible wrong.

However, It is important to remember that "One" moment out of the day, that ruins a small fragment of your day, is not worth taring the whole day down for. Don't allow one moment to ruin future moments.

It is important to "JUST BREATHE!"

That being said .... Do you know what day it is? 
I resist the urge to yell out "Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike." here.

That's right, It's that day! It's 

We made it ... It is the middle of the week, all smooth sailing from here. "Fingers crossed." So whether Hump day is an encouragement to forge on through the rest of the week, or brings visions of a mouse dry humping a mouse to mind

I hope your hump day rocks!
Maybe even rocks a little more than your day "Wink Wink." Have a great day guys xxDee

Monday, August 22, 2016

Movie Review Monday

Monday Movie Review 

If you are like me, then there is nothing quite like a good Horror flick, or scary book to provoke your inner fears and get the hairs on the back of your neck to stand straight up. There's something invigorating about fear. Something in it that gets the blood pumping and makes you feel "Alive."

I honestly didn't know what I was getting myself into when I plopped down in the thankfully empty theater with my movie butter soaked popcorn and Diet Coke. This isn't your run of the mill horror like you would expect, or as I should say, like I expected. It's not jump scares or gore that gets you in this one, it is something deeper. Something that twists and buries itself around your inner imagination, mingling with truth and logic giving you chills to the core.

Witches: The word alone brings thoughts of broom sticks, spells and potions, maybe even a few dead kids along the way. (This really only has the latter)

VVITCH comes off more like  "The crucible meets a better version of The Blair witch project."

It is slow in pace but never boring.

It is a lot like the movie "The rite." In the sense "You'll need to watch it more than once to soak it in, and catch the things you might have missed on the first go round. There are lots of little things."

In the end, as I sat there watching the credits scroll up, my only thought was "What the fuck just happened?" I honestly am still in this very moment confused. It was a movie that kept me intrigued, but never fully explained itself. While I got the gist of the movie along with a strong fear of goats now - I still feel unanswered.

It is scary in the sense, that it leaves you with a feeling of unease. It is no doubt about it worth a watch.
I would rate it 3.9 out of 5 stars.

What did you guys think of the movie? Have any Movie Ideas for a fellow movie lover? They don't have to be scary, I just love good entertainment. 

Oh - and because today has already proven to be quite manic - my chosen song of today. "What's yours?"

Like with every day - I hope that each and every one of you who pass by, has a wonderful day! xxDee

Sunday, August 21, 2016

I'll tell you mine, if you tell me yours.

  Dreams, we all have them.

Whether that dream is to poke irreparable holes in the "Darwin's theory of evolution" Using Micro verses Macro evolution variables to concoct an indisputable theory of your own, leading others to accept a creationist point of view, and bring God back into the school systems, (or) To be the worlds Number one leading Marine Biologist, saving endangered sea turtles one by one in your very own sanctuary.

Today ... I want to ask you. What are your dreams? Not only am I curious about your dreams now, but I am curious about your dreams, way back when. Are you living that dream? If you aren't. I ask another question. (or two) "Why? and What are you going to do about it?"

Thinking back to my younger years, I once upon a time wanted to be a lawyer. My mother would always say "You wouldn't make it as a lawyer, you'd argue with the judge." She was not wrong. I probably would have. Of course I will never know, because somewhere along the line, I gave up on that dream.
I have always been somewhat wish-washy with my dreams. I've never been content with just one thing. I go about life in an eclectic type way, What can I say? I want to do it all.

My dreams:
I would like to own a brunch shop. Why brunch? Glad you asked. Brunch, because I don't want to open too early for breakfast, nor stay open to late for supper. It's all about minimal hours.
I would like my own Photography studio. NOT just my portable home studio.
I would like my own candle/soap shop - So I don't have to do it at home anymore. I have no room.

While all those dreams still exist, there is ONE dream that has always stood constant, just the dynamics have changed. I would like to be a writer. 
I used to tell people that I wanted to be the girl version of Stephen King. I wanted to scare the hell out of people. I still do (want to terrify folks.) Only, I find that, the more I write, just how different I really am. I am not Stephen King, I am just me. I guess being me as a writer is okay too.
I lost track of this dream for a long time. I set it on the back burner telling myself that I will get to it eventually. Time past by and there all my half started projects stood waiting for me. Dusty, but ever hopeful for my return.

TO ANSWER MY OWN QUESTION "If you are not living the dream, then what are you going to do about it?" Honestly, that was my whole reason for getting back into blogging. I felt like I had lost my "Munchness" In the words of "The Mad Hatter." I felt like, I just forgot how to write. I figured, getting back into the groove, I would eventually find my voice again, and be back on the necessary path.

So how about you guys? What were your dreams? What are your dreams now? Are you living them, or are they sitting on the burner waiting faithfully for your return? 

One thing in this world that cannot be taken from you, is your dreams. The only thing standing in your way is you. So get out there and reach for the stars.

As always, thank you for reading and I hope each and every one of you have a great day. xxDee

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Saturday Secrets

Secrets! We all have them. They lounge around in the back of our minds taunting us mercilessly with their presence.

While sometimes, those secrets can fill us full of angst and create a guilty conscious eating our thoughts raw to the point of anxiety ridden exhaustion,
Sometimes ... They can be quite fun.

They can make a person feel, naughty. or even mysterious, and interesting. Play with your mind, to where you walk around feeling like the whole world is looking at you. Wondering what you know. (Provided the secret is good enough to inspire that certain smirk most get) Like, if you just got down and dirty in the linen closet at your aunts family get-together with the hot caterer named Jim. There would definitely be a coded smile.

Most of us keep our deep dark secrets hidden, locked away deep within ourselves, conjuring them up occasionally to reminisce once again, the delicious details in the privacy of our own minds. Some choose to share theirs, making us the lucky chosen ones, the select few, privy to deeds unspoken, Like accomplice's during an unplanned crime streak. Now, we are not only keepers of our own secrets, but the keepers of many.

Which gets me to thinking .... Why do some share their secrets?

 I swear some folks are like kids with a quarter in their pocket, when it comes to their secrets, or a secret they were told (fresh Gossip) it just burns a hole in their pocket. Next thing you know, you have snacks and a brand new gulp of info that you are holding captive from others.

I personally am not someone who tells my secrets. I am pretty much an open book when it comes to my life, but I do have secrets, and true secrets are just that - Secret, I blame trust issues. But I have had many friends spill their own, with me wide eyed, surprised, and begging for more. (There is just something about knowing something that you shouldn't.)

So what type are you? Are you a sharer? Or, is your mouth held tighter than a Homo-phobes ass in a gay bar? Do you spit out your secrets like that gulp of warm milk that just flooded your mouth, when you were expecting Diet Coke, (or) Do you tuck them in an old dusty room, in the back part of your brain. The room that begs to be ransacked, yet lays unexplored with the exception of when you come back for that infrequent visit?

What are your thoughts on sharers? Would you rather be left untouched by the mystery of others, or do you gobble it down like thanksgiving supper?

I personally, am a gobbler! I will gobble that shit up, quicker than a starved dog sitting next to a left alone turkey platter.

In light of this post being based off Secrets, I will share a small one of my own. One that I feel time enough has slipped past to make any repercussions obsolete.

IT WASN'T ME - an eleven year old me once screamed. I knew they all knew better, but I was taking this one with me to the grave! I had stolen one of my mothers cigarettes, something I did often, being addicted at a too young to be addicted age. As if the fact I stole a smoke wasn't bad enough, I had lit an old bus, parked in the weeds across the street from our house on fire! Shit lit up brighter than fireworks.
You see, what happened was - I had been hiding behind the bus smoking so that I wouldn't get caught. I heard feet crunching into the weeds and I threw the smoke - bad aim, it went through the broken window of the bus. It was my big sis Bree, I cannot really remember why I was being called home, probably to be asked if I took a smoke. (my mom had started counting them. I always got caught.)
Either way little me followed her home, unaware that the cigarette had landed on old papers, and random what not's left inside and caught on fire. CUT TO My mother, and stepfather running out frantically to stop the fire.

They knew, Yet I lied and lied, and refused to tell the truth. UNTIL TODAY, My mother will never see this post, But she doesn't need to, she knew! IT WAS ME THAT STARTED THAT FIRE!

There it is, my big secret -- Do you have one? WE ARE ALL EARS! Or eyes!

As always, I hope that who ever passes along this post, has a wonderful day. xxDee

Friday, August 19, 2016

T. G. I. F

Awe, the sweet scent of Friday!
 (My Deepest apologies for those who work Sat.)

It's the one day of week that wraps you in its arms and softly whispers the promise of sweet uninterrupted slumber. That's right! No more hitting snooze 12 times before begrudgingly taring yourself from the warm comforts of your bed. You get to nuzzle in a little longer, and  Hang onto the last remnants of that sexy Freddie Highmore dream you were just having. (Insert crush of your choice here if Freddie isn't what floats your boat.)

Unless of course you are like me, and your body has formed some sort of supernatural bond with the morning, screaming out - WAKE UP! WHY ARE YOU STILL SLEEPING?

Funny how that works huh? On any other day of the week, you'd groan at the sound of your alarm clock blaring and swat it with a warning that you need "Just" five more minutes. But somehow, on your day off - when you really want to sleep in, your mind and body concocted a plan of its own.

4:00am on the dot, your eyes fly open. You feel rested, but it's dark out and its your day off, WTF? You close your eyes, and your mind wanders. But you're not giving in. You recall the parts you can remember of your dream and slowly drift off. 5:00 rolls around and, again, your body is ready to start the day. With a little coaxing, a lot of tossing and turning, you drift off once again, your body just sort of caving in, and giving into you. 7:00 rolls around. You climb up in bed, submitting to the fact that sleep is not an option, (That is my Friday.) I am guessing it is a sneak peak into my Saturday to come. I hope you guys have better luck!

Friday! For most, is the day that sits as a reminder for many that tomorrow is work free. It serves as a helpful reminder for when anything at work  pops up and bugs the hell out of you, that tomorrow, you will not be dealing with it. It's almost over! It's a gateway day to lead into a night of fun and frolic. Which has me curious .....

What are your plans for the weekend? 
Being a mother of three, and somewhat reclusive, I have to live vicariously through the vices of others. So fill me in, What's in store for you?

Mine : 

My plans ...
Waking up (Apparently early) Cleaning up a little, doing a little writing.
Continuing the search for school shoes and the rest of the supplies needed.
Sitting around in my underwear eating Mocha ice cream, wondering what the hell I am really doing with my life, and why I am being so wasteful with my time off ....

Followed by I hope A nap - and good quality time with my girls.

As always, I hope that each and every one of you who pass by, has a wonderful day. As well, as a wonderful weekend. xxDee